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Find Out If Refinancing Saves You Money With Our Refinance Calculators!

¿Debería refinanciar mi hipoteca?

Depending on when you bought your home, your mortgage interest rate may be higher than what's available today. This means you may be paying more than you need to every month! Refinancing gives homeowners the opportunity to update their mortgage terms and take advantage of lower rates. Whether through market changes or changes in your credit score, you could qualify for a lower rate and end up saving a significant amount of money on mortgage payments over time. ¡Use nuestra calculadora de refinanciación para analizar su situación hoy!

In addition to a monthly payment breakeven, you may want to analyze the breakeven based strictly on the monthly interest savings realized through refinancing.

Información de préstamo actual

Información del préstamo propuesto

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When Should You Refinance Your Home?

When mortgage interest rates drop more than a percentage or so, some homeowners will decide to refinance their loans to get a better rate. Consider that average interest rates on fixed-rate mortgages have ranged from less than 7 percent in the late 1990s to more than 15 percent in the early 1980s, and you can see that refinancing can result in significant savings for the homeowner.

A general rule of thumb is to refinance when interest rates drop 2 percentage points or more. For example, if you have a $100,000, 30-year, fixed-rate mortgage at 10 percent, you will pay more than $215,000 in interest over the next 30 years. But if you have a $100,000, 30-year, fixed-rate mortgage at 8 percent, you will pay less than $165,000 in interest over the same period.

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6 Inexpensive Ways to Get Your House Ready to Sell

You may want to convert an adjustable-rate mortgage (ARM) to a fixed-rate loan to gain stability in your monthly payments or in the event that interest rates drop faster than your ARM can accommodate. Many ARMs have caps limiting the amount of periodic adjustments. So, if interest rates drop 3 percentage points in a year but your ARM has a 2 percent annual cap, you may want to refinance to take full advantage of the new, low interest rates.

When interest rates drop, you can refinance to take advantage of the new rates, getting either a new ARM or a fixed-rate mortgage at a lower rate. When you replace an old ARM with a new one, you generally reset your mortgage's lifetime adjustment cap. For instance, if your old mortgage had a lifetime adjustment cap of 6 percent and the initial rate was 10 percent, your mortgage rate could go as high as 16 percent. If you replace your old mortgage with an ARM with a rate of 8 percent and a lifetime adjustment cap of 6 percent, your mortgage interest rate will never go higher than 14 percent.

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Should I Rent or Buy a Home?

Besides the costs of refinancing, you may want to consider other potential disadvantages before signing on the dotted line. For example, if you cash out some of the equity in your home, you will own less of your home when the deal is done. And it may take you longer to own your home free and clear than if you had not refinanced.

Time is also a consideration when it comes to refinancing costs. How long will it take for your new interest savings to pay off the property appraisal, title insurance, and other costs? You may have to live in the house longer than you planned to make the refinance worthwhile. If you move before you have recouped the refinance costs, you will lose money on the deal.

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  • Saldo actual del préstamoThe amount you currently owe on your existing mortgage.
  • Tasa de interés anualThe interest rate on your existing mortgage.
  • Cantidad de meses pendientesThe number of months remaining on your existing mortgage.
  • Tasa de interés anual de la hipoteca nuevaThe interest rate you can get on your refinanced mortgage. This should be lower than the interest rate on your existing mortgage.
  • Cantidad de meses The number months you will be paying on your refinanced mortgage loan. 30 years = 360 months, 20 years = 240 months, 15 years = 180 months.
  • Cargo de originación del préstamoThis is a fee charged by the lender to evaluate, prepare and submit your loan. It typically ranges for 0.5% to 2%.
  • Otros cargos/puntos de descuentoLenders charge various other related fees. Enter any other fees or discount points as a percentage in this field.
  • Other fees Lenders charge various other related fees. Enter any other fees as a monetary amount in this field.
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