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Calculadora de ahorros para la universidad

¿Cuánto debería estar ahorrando para la universidad?

Como los costos de la universidad aumentan dos veces más que el índice de inflación, es importante que empiece a ahorrar con tiempo. Que los intereses trabajen para usted en un programa de ahorros regulares es mucho mejor que tener intereses a pagar en el futuro por préstamos estudiantiles. Use la calculadora para ahorros para la universidad y sepa cuánto debería ahorrar de manera regular.

Ahorros y suposiciones actuales

NombreEdad actual
(0 a 30)
Edad de inicio de la universidad
(0 a 30)
Años de asistencia
(0 a 20)
Annual Cost



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Saving For a Child’s College Education

Paying for college is not a one-shot, one-year affair. Parents and grandparents will have to think in terms of four years for a baccalaureate, six years or longer for a graduate or professional degree, and an eternity if they have seven bright students spaced two or three years apart. Since you may be paying college bills for many years to come, it is essential to understand a bit more about the overall college cost environment.

Tuition costs continue to outpace inflation. According to the College Board, average tuition and fees for four-year public colleges have increased at a rate almost three times that of inflation. There are several reasons for the rapid increase in tuition

  • Faculty salaries must be raised to attract new professors and to keep tenured ones from leaving.
  • Maintaining old buildings is very expensive.
  • Colleges must continually update technology to remain competitive.
  • The number of high school seniors is declining, so fixed costs are spread among fewer paying customers.
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How to Begin the College Search

Many people put off planning for their children's educations until the kids are well into their teens. Often, they discover they've waited too long. With a late start, they have little time to accumulate the assets they need, and miss the chance to plan opportunities to maximize available financial aid. Ideally, the best time to begin planning for your children's education is the day you learn you're going to be a parent.

There are many factors to consider when planning for your child's education. These include whether you favor public, private, parochial, or home schooling, and how to pay for education. Many families even plan where to live by choosing which primary and secondary school districts their children will attend. Then there's higher education. College or trade schools?

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The Real Cost of College

Junior has just arrived home from the maternity ward, and like the model parent you are, you want to start investing to send the little nipper to Harvard. What should your asset allocation strategy be for this investment goal?

Unless you are wealthy, you will need to generate lots of capital to fund an Ivy League education. Fortunately, you have a fairly generous investment time horizon of 18 years or so. You might well consider placing most of your investment capital in stocks to generate as much growth as possible--keeping in mind that you might have to endure the occasional dip or even a couple of bear market years. If you are concerned about exposing all of your capital to the market, you might want to place a small portion of it -- say 20 percent -- in safer investments such as bonds.

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  • Inflación anual de costos universitariosThe average annual increase in tuition, fees, books and room and board costs. Historically, this number has run as much as twice the rate of annual inflation.
  • Monto ahorrado hasta el momentoThe total amount you have set aside for college education needs.
  • NombreThe name of the person that will be attending college.
  • Edad actualThe age of the student at the end of the current year.
  • Edad de inicio de la universidadThe age you/your student will start attending college.
  • Años de asistenciaThe number of years you/your student will attend college.
  • Annual CostThe total annual cost of college in today's dollars. Be sure to include tuition, books, fees and room and board.
  • Rendimiento antes de impuestosThis is the annual compounded rate of return before taxes that you expect from your college investment accounts. Depending upon your saving accounts choices and your risk propensity, this can range significantly.
  • Nivel tributario marginalThis is the tax rate that your college savings accounts will be subject to. If you are investing in a tax-deferred account such as a 529 plan you may want to enter 0% here.
  • Incrementos anualesWhen we recommend an annual savings amount that you will need to meet your college goals, this can be a level (0%) or increasing amount. Enter the annual increase that you would like the system to recommend. For example if your salary is increasing at 3% each year and you save the same percentage of your salary each year then you would enter 3% here.
Money Help Center

Esta información puede ayudarle a analizar sus necesidades financieras. Se basa en información y suposiciones suministradas por usted con relación a sus metas, expectativas y situación financiera. Los cálculos no infieren que la compañía sume cualquier obligación fiduciaria Los cálculos suministrados no deberían considerarse asesoría financiera, legal o tributaria. Además, no debería basarse en dicha información como única fuente de información. La información es suministrada de fuentes que consideramos confiables pero no podemos garantizar su precisión. Las ilustraciones hipotéticas pueden suministrar información de desempeño histórico y actual. El desempeño pasado no garantiza ni indica resultados futuros.